

CAS 38821-49-7

General Information

Carbidopa, classified as a non-competitive decarboxylase inhibitor, is used in combination with the chemically related levodopa for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease or Parkinson-like symptoms (e.g. stiffness, shakiness, difficulty moving). Used alone, carbidopa has no effect on Parkinson’s symptoms. It is used to improve the effect of levodopa and reduce unwelcome side effects such as nausea. The drug works by preventing the breakdown of levodopa in the bloodstream, which allows more levodopa to enter the brain. Carbidopa has no anti-Parkinson effects by itself.

About the API

Technology Synthetic
Therapeutic category Parkinson
Available formulations Oral Liquid Oral Solid Oral Solid Long-Acting Other Systemic
  • Japan DMF
  • Korea DMF
  • US DMF

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