
Technology Excellence in API Manufacturing

Manufacturing Sciences & Technology

Talking with Liron Shakoof and Tali Katav from the Manufacturing Sciences & Technology team (MS&T) was really pretty inspiring. They described in great detail, and with a lot of passion for their work, how the role of MS&T is to lead the product life cycle management using technology excellence. What does that mean? Developing a […]

New Extraction Plant in Debrecen, Hungary

New Extraction Plant

In late 2022, Teva api completed a $23 million investment in Debrecen, Hungary, with the aim to expand its capability to supply active pharmaceutical ingredients for vital medicines needed for organ transplant patients. This new extraction facility is based in Teva’s Center of Excellence for Fermentation Products, and has been in existence for over 100 […]

The World of the API: ESG in Pharma – Why it Matters

ESG in Pharma

This article was originally published on 4.7.2022. Since then, Teva has continued its push towards achieving its yearly ESG targets – including donating 30.4 million doses of essential medicines to Ukrainian citizens in need, achieving a 41% increase in total proportion of electricity purchased or generated from renewable sources, and $44B in savings from generic […]

Particle Size Distribution – Technologies & Best Practices

Particle size

Particle Size Distribution is one of the most important physical properties of powder APIs. To ensure robust formulation, it is essential that PSD measurement be accurate, repetitive and consistent. Teva api uses industry-leading best practices for PSD method development, such as microscopy and laser diffraction, to support more than 350 APIs and help us meet […]

Meet the Expert—Yehuda Meyer

Whether he’s bike riding, piano playing, or selling APIs to big pharma companies, Specialty Sales Director, Yehuda Meyer, is fully invested in what he enjoys doing.    “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” (Albert Einstein) I love this quote because it’s so accurate! I’m an avid bike […]